Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Κάψε την καρδιά μου, κάψε τα όνειρά μου
κάψε ό,τι μου κρατάς
όμως να θυμάσαι όποτε λυπάσαι
θα με συναντάς.
Πίσω απ' τα χείλη που φιλάς θα με θυμάσαι
στα όνειρά σου ενοχές και θα φοβάσαι
ό,τι κι αν κάψεις η αγάπη δεν πεθαίνει
εγώ σ' αγάπησα και αυτό θα σε τρελαίνει.
Κάψε τη ζωή μου, κάψε το κορμί μου
κάψε ό,τι μου κρατάς
μα να ξέρεις πάντα πίσω απ' το κλάμα
θα με συναντάς.
Burn my heart, burn my dreams
burn what you hold from me
but to remember whenever you feel sad
you’ll be meeting me.
Behind from the lips that you kiss, you’ll be remembering me
in your dreams remorse and you’ll be afraid
whatever you burn, love doesn’t die
I loved you and this will drive you crazy.
Burn my life, burn my body
burn what you hold from me
but to know forever that behind from the weeping
you’ll be meeting me.
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قلبم را بسوزان،رویاهایم را بسوزان...
بسوزان تمام چیز هایی که مرا نگه می دارند...
اما به خاطر بسپار،زمانیکه متاسف شدی
مرا ملاقات خواهی کرد !
ورای لب هایی که می بوسی ،مرا به خاطر می آوری....
در رویاهای پشیمان ات ، تو هراسان خواهی بود .....
هر چیزی هم که بسوزانی ،عشق نمی میرد
من عاشق شدم و همین تو را دیوانه خواهد کرد .
زندگیم را بسوزان،بدنم را بسوزان
بسوزان تمام چیز هایی که مرا نگه می دارند
اما همیشه بدان که ورائ گریه
مرا ملاقات خواهی کرد
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Στίχοι/Μουσική: Στέλιος Μπικάκης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Στέλιος Μπικάκης
Άλλες ερμηνείες: Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Στα μονοπάτια του καημού
στη γέφυρα του στεναγμού
μ' έκαν' η μάνα μου
Μια φθινοπωρινή βραδιά,
ζωή την κρύα σου καρδιά
είδαν τα μάτια μου
Με κουδουνίστρες πλαστικές
όμορφες και χρωματιστές
με νανουρίζανε
Και τα ματάκια τα μικρά
είδαν του κόσμου τ' αγαθά
και συμφωνήσανε
Ήταν το γάλα μου πικρό
και το νεράκι μου γλυφό
που με μεγάλωνε
Κι απέναντι στη κούνια μου,
η μοίρα η κακούργα μου
και με καμάρωνε
Ήταν το κλάμα μου μουντό
σαν κάτι να 'θελα να πω,
μα δεν με νιώσανε
Μια λυπημένη αναπνοή
για την πουτάνα τη ζωή
που μου χρεώσανε
Έτσι ξεκίνησα λοιπόν, έτσι ξεκίνησα,
δεν με ρωτήσανε ζωή, μα σε συνήθισα
Σαν πληγωμένο αετόπουλο στο χώμα,
ψάχνω τη δύναμη να κρατηθώ ακόμα
Έτσι ξεκίνησα λοιπόν, έτσι ξεκίνησα,
άλλα μου δείξανε και άλλα εγώ αντίκρισα
Θεέ μου κι ας ήξερα ποια μέρα θα πεθάνω
και του θανάτου μου γενέθλια να κάνω
Πάνω σε λάσπες και καρφιά
στ' άδικου κόσμου τη φωτιά πρωτοπερπάτησα
Ισορροπία σταθερή
για να προλάβω τη ζωή,
όμως την πάτησα
Μονό το "α" και το "χ"
στη σχολική μου εποχή
Γι αυτό το "αχ" και το "γιατί"
όπου βρεθώ μ' ακολουθεί
κι ας τριαντάρισα
Έτσι περνούσε ο καιρός
και γω στο δρόμο μου σκυφτός
έκανα όνειρα
Έτυχε να 'μαι απ' αυτούς
που κολυμπάνε στους αφρούς
και στα λασπόνερα
Στάζει το αίμα της ψυχής,
σαν τις σταγόνες της βροχής
όμως ποιος νοιάζεται
Και την αόρατη πληγή
που μέσα μου αιμορραγεί
ποιος την μοιράζεται
Έτσι ξεκίνησα λοιπόν...
In the way of the pain
In the bridge of the sighs
My mother made me
A night of autumn
Life, your cold heart
My eyes saw
With plastic rattles
Beautiful and colourful
They sang a song to me
And the small eyes
They saw the good things of the world
And they agreed
My milk was bitter
And my water brackish
That made me grow up
And in front of my cradle
My criminal destiny
Was proud of me.
It was my weeping dull
As I wanted to say something
But they didn’t understand me
A sad breath
For the prostitute life
That they charge to me
Thus I began then, thus I began
They didn’t ask me, life, but I was accustomed to you
Like a hurt eagle in the earth
Search the force to be still kept
Thus I began then, thus I began
Other they showed to me and other I saw
My God hopefully I knew what day I’m going to die
In order to make of my death a birthday
On mud and nails
In the fire of this unjust world I walked for the first time
Balance constant
In order to I anticipate the life
and nevertheless I slipped
Only the “a” and the “h”
in my school season
I spelled
For this “ach” and “because”
Where I find myself it follows me
And thus I fulfilled the thirty
Thus passed the time
And I in my walk crestfallen
I was dreaming
It happened to be from them
Who swim in the foams
And in the waters with mud
The blood of the soul runs
Like the drops of rain
But who cares
And that invisible wound
that it bleeds within me
who will share it
Thus I began then, thus I began
They didn’t ask me, life, but I was accustomed to you
Like a hurt eagle in the earth
Search the force to be still kept
Thus I began then, thus I began
Other they showed to me and other I saw
My God hopefully I knew what day I’m going to die
In order to make of my death a birthday
روز تولد
در کوچه ای از رنج
به روی پلی از حسرت
مادرم مرا بوجود آورد ...
دریک شب پاییزی
زندگی ،قلب سرد تو را
چشمانم دیدند .
با جغجغه های پلاستیکی
زیبا و رنگارنگ
آنها برای من آهنگ می خواندند
وچشمان کوچک ام
چیزهای خوب دنیا را میدند
و راضی بودند .
شیر من تلخ بود
و آب آشامیدنی ام شور...
اینها مرا پروراندند
و مقابل گهواره ام
سرنوشت تبهکارانه من ،
به من افتخار می کرد !
گریه طاقت فرسای من بود
که میخواست چیزی بگوید
اما آنها مرا نمی فهمیدند
نفس های غمگینی
که مرا برای یک زندگی هرزه
تقویت می کرد.
اینگونه آغاز کردم ،اینگونه آغاز کردم...
آنها از من نپرسید...
اما زندگی ، من به تو عادت کرده بودم
مانند عقابی زخمی در زمین
هنوز به دنبال نیرویی هستم تا مرا نگه دارد !
اینگونه آغاز کردم ،اینگونه آغاز کردم
آنهایی که مرا نشان می دادند و آنهایی که می دیدم .
خدای من، اگر می دانستم چه روزی می میرم،
مرگم را مانند روز تولدم جشن می گیرم .
در لجنها , چنگالها ...
در آتش بی عدالتی های این دنیا، اولین بار راه رفتم .
ترازویی ثابت ،
برای برای پیش بینی زندگی ...
و با این همه،من خطا کردم !
فقط "آلفا" و " خی "
فصل های مدرسه من بودند....
من " آه" و " چرا " را هجی می کردم ...
زمانی که خود را یافتم اینها مرا تعقیب می کردند !
و بدین گونه 30 ساگی را تمام کردم...
اینگونه زمان گذشت
و من با سری افکنده ، راه میرفتم ...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ένα σου λέω
Δεν είμαι εδώ για κανέναν
Στίχοι: Νίκος Μωραΐτης Μουσική: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης Έχω μάτια κλεισμένα και δε με βρίσκει κανείς πια εμένα Τα 'χω όλα κρυμμένα και ούτε μίση ούτε αγάπες δείχνω πια Δεν είμαι εδώ για κανένα κι από εδώ κι απ' όλα λείπω Δεν είμαι εδώ δεν έχει κτύπο η καρδιά δε ζω για κανένα Δεν είμαι εδώ για κανένα λέω πως δεν είμαι εδώ και λείπω Δεν περιμένει άλλο τίποτα η καρδιά μονάχα εσένα Είναι τ' αστέρια απλωμένα μα δεν τα βλέπω δεν τα θέλω αναμμένα Έχω κλειστό το δέρμα και ούτε πόνο ούτε χάδι νιώθω πια | I have my eyes closed and nobody can find me anymore. I have hidden them all and neither hates nor loves I saw anymore. I am not here for anyone I am away from here and from all. I am not here my heart is not beating I don't live for anyone. I am not here for anyone I say that I'm not here and I'm away. My heart doesn't wait for anything only you The stars are spread But I can't see them I don't want them lightened. I have my skin closed and neither pain nor carress I feel anymore. | Ich bin3 für niemanden da Ich habe die Augen geschlossen und niemand kann mich jetzt noch finden Ich halte alles versteckt und ich zeige weder Hass noch Liebe Ich bin für niemanden da ich bin von hier und von allem abwesend Ich bin nicht hier Das Herz hat keinen Schlag ich lebe für niemanden Ich bin für niemanden da Ich sage ich sei nicht da und ich bin abwesend Das Herz erwartet nichts mehr ausser dich Die Sterne sind breit verteilt aber ich kann sie nicht sehen Ich will sie nicht belichtet Meine Haut nimmt nichts mehr wahr und ich spüre weder Schmerz noch Streicheln |
Αυτά που θα 'λεγα σε σένα
Δίνει τα φιλιά
Στίχοι: Σόφη Παππά
Μουσική: Βασίλης Ηλιάδης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Τώρα του μιλά τώρα τον κοιτάζει
Τώρα τρυφερά δίπλα του πλαγιάζει
Ξέπλεκα μαλλιά μες τα δάχτυλά του
Τώρα ξεψυχά μέσα στα φιλιά του
Δίνει τα φιλιά που της έχω μάθει
Και την αγκαλιά μέσα που έχω κλάψει
Δίνει το κορμί πως να την κρατήσω
Πριν δώσει και καρδιά να τη σταματήσω
Τώρα του μιλά της χαμογελάει
Τώρα σαν βροχή πάνω του κυλάει
όρκους και φιλιά το πρωί θα δύσει
όρκους που ποτέ ποτέ ποτέ δε θα κρατήσει
Da sus besos
Ahora le habla, ahora le mira
Ahora tiernamente se tumba a su lado
Melena suelta entre sus dedos
Ahora suspira en sus besos
Da los besos que yo le enseñé
y los abrazos dentro de los cuales lloré
Da ese cuerpo, cómo puedo retenerla
debo detenerla antes de que le entregue el corazón
Ahora le habla, él le sonríe
Ahora igual que lluvia cae sobre él
De promesas y besos se vestirá la mañana
Promesas que nunca jamás mantendrá
Daje poljupce
Sada mu priča, sada ga gleda
sada nežno leže pored njega
Mrsi joj kosu svojim prstima
sada gubi dah u njegovim poljupcima
Daje poljupce kojima sam je ja naučio
I daje zagrljaj u kom sam plakao
Predaje svoje telo, kako da je zadržim
Pre nego preda i srce, da je zaustavim
Sada mu priča, on joj se smeši
sada kao kiša njegovim telom klizi
Zakletve i poljupce jutro će da ugasi
zakletve koje nikad, nikad, nikad neće ispuniti
Δε σε χρειάζομαι
Στίχοι: Γιώργος Μουκίδης
Μουσική: Γιώργος Μουκίδης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Πήρα τη μορφή σου, κι έφυγα ξανά
με τη θύμησή σου βόλτα στα στενά.
Mύρισα τα μαύρα τα σγουρά μαλλιά
κι ένιωσα τον πόνο να με τυραννά.
Δε σε χρειάζομαι, δεν σε χρειάζομαι,
θέλω μονάχος τα φανάρια να περνώ.
Δε σε χρειάζομαι, κι ούτε που νοιάζομαι
σε ποιο σοκάκι θα με βρει το πρωινό.
Τώρα σου μιλάω κι είσαι μακριά,
θέλω να σ’ αγγίξω μόνο μια φορά,
να ξαναγυρίσεις να σε δω ξανά,
να ’χω τη φωνή σου να μου τραγουδά.
Δε σε χρειάζομαι...
I don’t need you
I took your figure, and I left again
with your memory for a walk in the backstreets.
I smelled your black, curly hair
and I felt the pain to torture me.
I don’t need you, I don’t need you,
I want to pass the lamp-posts alone.
I don’t need you, and I don’t even care
in which backstreet the morning will find me.
Now I’m talking to you and you’re away,
I want to touch you only for once,
to return back to see you again,
to have your voice to sing to me.
I don’t need you...
No te necesito
Tomé tu forma y me fui de nuevo
con tu recuerdo por una vuelta en las calles estrechas.
Olí tu pelo negro y rizado
y sentí el dolor que me torture.
No te necesito, no te necesito,
quiero pasar las farolas solo.
No te necesito y ni me importa
en cuál callejuela la manaña me encontrará.
Ahora hablo a tí y estás lejos,
quiero tocarte solamente por una vez,
que vuelvas para mirarte de nuevo,
que tenga tu voz que me cante.
No te necesito...
Ne trebam te
Pretvorio sam se u tvoj lik i ponovo otisao
sa tvojim secanjem u setnju po litici.
Mirisao sam tvoju crnu, kovrdzavu kosu
i osetio bol kako me ubija.
Ne trebam te, ne trebam te
Zelim sam da prolazim kroz semafore
Ne trebam te, cak me nije ni briga
u kojoj ulicici ce me zateci jutro.
Sada ti se obracam, a ti si daleko
zelim da te zagrlim samo jos jednom
da se vratis, da ponovo te vidim
da cujem tvoj glas, da ponovo mi peva
Ne trebam te...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Και δεν μπορώ
Στίχοι: Γιώργος Μουκίδης
Μουσική: Γιώργος Μουκίδης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Θα βλέπεις πάλι την αγάπη φυλακή
και θα απορείς για αυτά τα μάτια τα κλαμένα
θα φεύγεις πάλι και θα τρέχεις σαν τρελή
που θέλω εσένα
Και δεν μπορώ να σε ξεχάσω δεν μπορώ
σε ποια ματιά τα όνειρα να θάψω
και προσπαθώ να σε ξεχάσω προσπαθώ
γωνιά δεν έχω τώρα για να κλάψω
Σ' αεροπλάνα και σε τρένα θα χαθείς
και σε λιμάνια του κορμιού σου ξεχασμένα
στη Σαλονίκη κάποια νύχτα θα βρεθείς
να κλαις για μένα
Και δεν μπορώ να σε ξεχάσω δεν μπορώ
σε ποια ματιά τα όνειρα να θάψω
και προσπαθώ να σε ξεχάσω προσπαθώ
γωνιά δεν έχω τώρα για να κλάψω
Ταξίδεψέ με
Στίχοι: Βασίλης Παπαδόπουλος
Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κορδατζής
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Ταξίδεψέ με σ' ένα ταξίδι
χωρίς πυξίδα για οπουδήποτε
μαζί σου να 'μαι και δε φοβάμαι
σου λέω τίποτε
Άλλοι κοιτούν τον ουρανό και χάνονται
εγώ δεν έμαθα ποτέ να δραπετεύω
άλλοι κοιτούν τον ουρανό και χάνονται
εγώ κοιτώ τα μάτια σου και ταξιδεύω
Ταξίδεψέ με σ' ένα ταξίδι
που κάνουν λίγοι μακρύ κι απρόσμενο
κι αυτό το βράδυ και το άλλο βράδυ
και το επόμενο
Make Me Travel
Make me travel on a trip
Without compass, anywhere
I'm with you and I'm not afraid
I don't say anything to you.
Some look at the sky and get lost
I've never learned to escape
Some look at the sky and get lost
I contemplate your eyes and travel.
Make me travel on a trip
That just a few realize, long and without destiny
This night and the night after
And the next one too.
Hazme viajar
Hazme viajar en un viaje
sin brújula a cualquier parte
estoy contigo y no temo
no te digo nada
Algunos miran el cielo y se pierden
yo no he aprendido nunca a escapar
algunos miran el cielo y se pierden
yo contemplo tus ojos y viajo
Hazme viajar en un viaje
que realizan pocos, largo y sin destino
esta noche y la noche después
y también la siguiente
Και δεν μπορώ
Στίχοι: Γιώργος Μουκίδης
Μουσική: Γιώργος Μουκίδης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Θα βλέπεις πάλι την αγάπη φυλακή
και θα απορείς για αυτά τα μάτια τα κλαμένα
θα φεύγεις πάλι και θα τρέχεις σαν τρελή
που θέλω εσένα
Και δεν μπορώ να σε ξεχάσω δεν μπορώ
σε ποια ματιά τα όνειρα να θάψω
και προσπαθώ να σε ξεχάσω προσπαθώ
γωνιά δεν έχω τώρα για να κλάψω
Σ' αεροπλάνα και σε τρένα θα χαθείς
και σε λιμάνια του κορμιού σου ξεχασμένα
στη Σαλονίκη κάποια νύχτα θα βρεθείς
να κλαις για μένα
Και δεν μπορώ να σε ξεχάσω δεν μπορώ
σε ποια ματιά τα όνειρα να θάψω
και προσπαθώ να σε ξεχάσω προσπαθώ
γωνιά δεν έχω τώρα για να κλάψω
Αγάπη τι δύσκολο πράγμα
Αρχή και φινάλε
σκοτάδι και φως
αγάπη πανάρχαιο δράμα
σ' ακούω καρδιά μου
δεν είμαι κουφός
αγάπη, τι δύσκολο πράγμα.
Σωρός αναμνήσεις
δεν πάει καιρός
αγάπη και γέλιο και κλάμα.
Στο τέλος δεν ήμουν
πολύ τυχερός
αγάπη, τι δύσκολο πράγμα.
Οι αγάπες χάνονται
σβήνουν σαν τ' αστέρια
φεύγουν σαν τα καλοκαίρια.
Οι αγάπες χάνονται
σβήνουν σαν τ' αστέρια
φεύγουν σαν τα καλοκαίρια
φεύγουν σαν τα καλοκαίρια.
Κολλάει ο χρόνος
δεν πάει εμπρός
και συ δεν μου στέλνεις πια γράμμα
δεν θες να με ξέρεις
λες κι είμαι εχθρός
αγάπη, τι δύσκολο πράγμα.
Οι αγάπες χάνονται
σβήνουν σαν τ' αστέρια
φεύγουν σαν τα καλοκαίρια.
Οι αγάπες χάνονται
σβήνουν σαν τ' αστέρια
φεύγουν σαν τα καλοκαίρια
φεύγουν σαν τα καλοκαίρια.
Love is such a difficult thing
Beginning and end
darkness and light
love is an ancient drama
I can hear you darling,
I am not deaf
love is such a difficult thing.
So many memories
it hasn't been long
love and laughter and cry.
I wasn't so lucky
in the end
love is such a difficult thing.
Loves get lost,
they fade away like the stars
they leave like the summers.
Loves get lost,
they fade away like the stars
they leave like the summers
they leave like the summers.
Time sticks
it doesn't pass
and you won't send me a letter any more
you don't want to know me
as if I were an enemy
love is such a difficult thing.
Loves get lost,
they fade away like the stars
they leave like the summers.
Loves get lost,
they fade away like the stars
they leave like the summers
they leave like the summers.
Amore, che cosa difficile
Inizio e finale
buio e luce
amore dramma antichissimo
ti ascolto cuore mio
non sono sordo
amore, che cosa difficile
Un mucchio di ricordi
non passa il tempo
amore sia riso che pianto.
In fondo non ero
molto fortunato
amore, che cosa difficile
Gli amori si perdono
si spengono come le stelle
se ne vanno come le estati.
Gli amori si perdono
si spengono come le stelle
se ne vanno come le estati
se ne vanno come le estati.
Il tempo si incolla
non va avanti
e tu non mi mandi più lettere
non vuoi sapere di me
come un nemico
amore, che cosa difficile
Gli amori si perdono
si spengono come le stelle
se ne vanno come le estati.
Gli amori si perdono
si spengono come le stelle
se ne vanno come le estati
se ne vanno come le estati
El amor es algo tan difícil
Principio y final
oscuridad y luz
amor, un drama antiguo
te escucho, corazón
no estoy sordo
el amor es algo tan difícil.
Montones de recuerdos
no pasa el tiempo
amor: sonrisa y lágrimas.
Al final no fui
muy afortunado
el amor es algo tan difícil.
Los amores se pierden
se apagan como estrellas
pasan igual que el verano.
Los amores se pierden
se apagan como estrellas
pasan como el verano
pasan igual que el verano.
Se detiene el tiempo
no avanza
y tú ya no me envías cartas
no quieres ni reconocerme
dices que soy el enemigo
el amor es algo tan difícil.
Los amores se pierden
se apagan como estrellas
pasan igual que el verano.
Los amores se pierden
se apagan como estrellas
pasan igual que el verano
pasan igual que el verano.
Ljubav, kako komplikovana stvar
Pocetak i kraj
tama i svetlost
ljubav, anticka drama
Cujem te, srce
nisam gluv
ljubav, kako komplikovana stvar
Gomila uspomena
ne prolazi vreme
ljubav, i smeh i suze
Na kraju nisam bas
imao srece ja
ljubav, kako komplikovana stvar
Ljubavi se gube
Kao zvezde se gase
Kao leto odlaze
Ljubavi se gube
Kao zvezde se gase
Ko leto odlaze
Kao leto odlaze
Stalo je vreme
ne ide dalje
ni ti mi vise pisma ne saljes
Ne zelis da znas za mene
kao da sam neprijatelj
ljubav, kako komplikovana stvar
Ljubavi se gube
Kao zvezde se gase
Kao leto odlaze
Ljubavi se gube
Kao zvezde se gase
Kao leto odlaze
Kao leto odlaze
Iubire, un lucru atit de dificil
Inceput si sfirsit
intuneric si lumina
iubirea-i o tragedie antica
te aud draga mea
nu sunt surd
iubire, un lucru atit de dificil
Atit de multe amintiri
nu au durat mult
iubire, ris si plinsete
nu am fost foarte norocos
caci in final
iubirea-i un lucru atit de dificil
iubirile se pierd
se sting ca si stelele
pleaca la fel ca verile
iubirile se pierd
se sting ca si stelele
pleaca la fel ca verile
pleaca la fel ca verile
timpul ramine
nu trece
si tu nu-mi mai trimiti nici o scrisoare
nu vrei sa ma mai cunosti
ca si cum ti-as fi un dusman
iubire, un lucru atit de dificil
iubirile se pierd
se sting ca si stelele
pleaca la fel ca verile
ubirile se pierd
se sting ca si stelele
pleaca la fel ca verile
pleaca la fel ca verile
Elena Paparizou
Early life
Elena Paparizou was born on January 31, 1982 in Borås, Västergötland, Sweden, to Greek immigrant parents Georgios and Efrosini Paparizou and was raised in Örgryte, Gothenburg. Her father is from Volos and mother is from Karditsa. She has a sister Rita and brother Dinos. As a child, she did not hang out with many Swedish kids.[1] As a kid, she also reportorially had a breathing problem which she still suffers from today.[1] Paparizou told Greek magazine NITRO, that she remember being rushed to the hospital and felt like she had left her body at least 2 times when she was younger.[1] Still today, she says she sometimes loses her breath while on stage and carries an inhaler.[1]
Paparizou's artistic talents and eagerness to excel became apparent very early, and she was soon involved in singing, dancing and acting-training in combination with her academic studies at school. At age 7, she started learning Piano, ballet, and traditional dances. By age 13, Elena realized she wanted to be a singer, and decided to prepare for it.[1] Her first experiences were with Greek music at her Greek School. At the age of 14, Elena started her first band called "Soul Funkomatic" along with 3 Latin American kids.[1] The group only played hip-hop music, and saved up money to record songs. Two years later by age 16, the band broke up and Elena was offered various proposals, but her mother said she was too young to leave home. In 1998, 13 of her close friends died in a fire at a hip-hop party at a nightclub in Gothenburg that she had begged her mother to go to but was denied.[2] After losing her friends, Paparizou decided to abandon singing, and she started classes at the Art Performing School where she studied theater, acting, television, and directing. In 1999, some DJ friends of her brother asked her to make a demo of "Opa Opa".[2] Elena told them that the lyrics are for a man, so she asked to sing it with childhood friend Nikos Panagiotidis.[2][3]
[edit] Antique
- Main article: Antique (duo)
[edit] 1999-2003
Paparizou, determined to succeed and fulfill her dreams of being an entertainer, joined childhood friend and fellow Greek-Swede Nikos Panagiotidis, at the age of seventeen, to form Antique. The duo quickly signed their first record deal, with Swedish record label Bonnier. Their debut single, "Opa Opa", became a huge hit, reaching number one on the single charts and achieving gold status following its release in August 1999. The band's subsequent fame and success, strongly associated with the international promotion of Greek culture, led to them being selected as Greece's representatives for the Eurovision Song Contest 2001 in Copenhagen. The band reached third place with the song, "(I Would) Die for You". Although equalled by Sakis Rouvas' entry "Shake It" in 2004, it was Greece's highest place in the contest until Elena won the contest as a solo artist in 2005.
Antique's success in the Eurovision Song Contest led to them recording several multi-platinum albums, playing a European tour, and collaborating with many other artists, such as Katy Garbi and Slavi Trifonov. Paparizou has admitted that Greek music had been something of an acquired taste for her, saying that the name 'Antique' was probably a reflection of her childhood impression of it being something rather distant and old-fashioned; something that she only really associated with her summer holidays in Greece. Following her success with Antique, Elena decided to pursue a solo career.
[edit] Solo career
[edit] 2003-2004: Protereotita
Despite the group's success, Antique broke up in 2003 on good terms, as the band had 'run its natural course, and Paparizou set about going solo. She signed a solo recording contract with Sony Music Greece and released her first solo single Anapantites Klisis in December 2003 (which was later re-recorded in English as I Don't Want You Here Anymore), a song written especially for her by singer/songwriter Christos Dantis. The single sales were strong, and it received gold certification in Greece.
During the winter of 2003-2004, Paparizou appeared alongside one of Greece's biggest male singers, Antonis Remos, at the Studio Pireos nightclub. In spring 2004, she released her first solo record, Protereotita from which Antithesis, Anamnisis, Katse Kala, and Stin Kardia Mou Mono Thlipsi became hit singles. The album achieved double platinum in Greece after the huge success in Eurovision Song Contest.
Her success brought her to the Fever nightclub for the winter season 2004-2005 alongside Sakis Rouvas.
[edit] 2005: Eurovision
Because of her popularity in Greece, where she ended up spending more and more time, Paparizou was approached to represent the country for a second time in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005. She performed My Number One, Let's Get Wild, and OK on the Greek national final, with My Number One winning the televote. There was also a song called The Light in Our Soul, but it was later disqualified due to it being released prior to the contest, thus breaking the rules. The song went onto win the final contest (with backing vocals provided by Cypriot former Eurovision-participant Alex Panayi), and brought the contest to Greece for 2006 for the first time in the contest's history.
Paparizou re-released her first album Protereotita in Greece, with a second CD containing her Eurovision entrants, and English versions to previous songs, such as I Don't Want You Here Anymore, Antithesis, OK, and If You Believe Me as well as a ballad version of (Ehis Kero na Mou Feris) Louloudia. The 10 track CD was also available separately for those who already owned her debut album. A 16-track compilation of the Eurovision entrants and songs from her debut album was released in many parts of Europe such as Scandinavia, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Slovenia, the Netherlands and Turkey under the title, My Number One.
In the summer and fall of 2005, Paparizou toured in Australia and North America with Greek artist Nikos Kourkoulis, selling out many venues. She was also named the official ambassador of the Greek Ministry of Tourism, and My Number One was used as backing music to their international television advert.
In the fall of 2005, Elena went to studios and recorded a new CD single called Mambo!. The single included Mambo as a Greek and English version, Panta Se Perimena, and Asteria. The CD single stayed on the Greek charts at number 1 for 10 weeks, including Christmas week, and reached platinum status. The track was also released in Sweden in April 2006 and became gold selling more than 25,000 copies, following a succession of hit singles there taken from the album, My Number One. Paparizou's debut album was re-issued for a third time in Greece to contain a third CD (in addition to the actual album and the Eurovision disc), containing both English and Greek versions of "Mambo!" and three other new Greek songs.
[edit] 2006: Iparhi Logos & The Game of Love
At the end of 2005, Paparizou went back to studio to work on her second Greek language album and her first official English language album. The album has been released in Greece, Cyprus, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Sweden and Turkey.
Paparizou's second album in Greek, Iparhi Logos, was released in Greece on April 12, 2006. Prior to the release, Paparizou sang the title track at the Arion Music Awards. The album consists of two discs, the first featuring 12 brand new tracks, including Mambo! and Panta Se Perimena and the second featuring four new tracks, nine live tracks from her Mad Secret Concert, and a remix of the title track. The video for that single, Iparhi Logos, aired on the day the album was released. Gigolo was later released as the third single from the album, and fared well on Greek radios. The album Iparhi Logos went to #1 and reached platinum status in Greece.
On May 20, 2006, Elena graced the stage of Eurovision once more, to open the contest with My Number One as the opening act. She later sang Mambo!, and then presented the award to the winners Lordi. During a press interview there, she said that people should expect to hear a lot of Mambo! and Gigolo in English over the summer, as she tries to pursue her international career. Paparizou has already released Mambo! in Sweden on a two track CD single peaking at number 5 on the charts. Sweden is the first of many countries in which Paparizou will be releasing Mambo!. The other countries in which Elena Paparizou plans to release Mambo! are: Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Turkey, and Spain. Other records companies in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, China, United States, Canada, South Africa, and Australia will also promote the song. The Scandinavian promotion of the song will be from Bonnier Music. To gear up for the worldwide release of Mambo!, Elena has filmed a new video targeted for a more international audience.[4]
Across Europe, Mambo! is starting to be heard and seen; the video has premiered in France and is now showing in Poland and Romania. The song has peaked at number 1 on the RmF radio show for a successful two weeks and also peaked at number 1 on Polish Radio Kolor for many weeks. In Belgium, Mambo! has peaked at number 18. In Sweden, Mambo! has peaked at 5. The single is due to be released in more countries in Europe shortly but no official release date for the single has been confirmed. Mambo! is slowly making its way up the European airplay charts as the song is played in more countries. The promo of Mambo! was released in the UK and was released on 13th November by UK record company AATW (All Around The World). A remix of Mambo! was included on the new (and extremenly succesful) Dancemania CD which was released in the United Kingdom on 4th September. However, the single failed to make any impact on the UK Charts, entering for one week at number 185. On the APC All Time 1000 Tracks in Europe, Mambo! came in at 351, having spent a total of 37 weeks on the chart.
On 22 August, My Number One was released in the United States by Moda Records. The CD single contains 10 mixes and the radio edit. Mambo! will be released there later on in the year along with remixes.
Elena's solo debut international album The Game of Love, was released in some parts of Europe and in South Africa in late 2006. [5] [6] The album contains six songs from her Greek album Iparhi Logos translated into English. There are a further 6 new songs, and the song Heroes. Heroes, which was the official song for the 2006 European Championships in Athletics held in Gothenburg, Sweden in August, and was released in Sweden and Finland shortly after. There will album be a bonus song in Greek on the CD called O, Ti Axizi Ine i Stigmes (Le Bonheur). The bonus song is originally by Manou Hadjidaki, and was a big hit in France in 1962.
The song The Game of Love has gained critical success, striking great interest from Greek pop music critic, Benita Ong. Gigolo was the second single to be released from the album after Mambo!. The video for the song premiered in Greece in mixed Greek and English, and there may be a fully English version of the video followed for other markets.
[edit] 2007: Iparhi Logos: Platinum Edition
Starting in early 2007, Elena singed a contract to be the new face of Nokia Greece for 2007.
On January 21, 2007 Elena was awarded with a European Border Breaker Award in Cannes, France. She was one of the ten new artists who received the Award which were created by the European Union four years ago and are given every year to ten artists who manage to have success with their first album abroad. Elena won the award for her success with her first solo album Proteraiotita: Euro-Edition.The awards took place in Cannes on 21st January 2007 during the Midem Festival and were televised by MTV Europe.
In spring 2007, Elena recorded three tracks for the soundtrack CD to the Greek television series Mazi sou, including the theme tune to the series. A video was made for the track "Mazi Sou" which became a hit in Greece, with the track has spent several weeks atop the Greek radio airplay chart. Another radio single, "Min Fevgeis", was released to radios on April 23.
In May, 2007, Elena re-released her album Iparhi Logos as Iparhi Logos: Platinum Edition with the seven track CD Single "Fos" including the hit "Mazi Sou". Elena released the "Fos" as a separate CD Single four days before the re-packaging. The CD-Single "Fos", went straight to number one in Greece following its release, making it Elena's fourth number one hit there.[7]. The Cd-Single was certified gold in its 12th week charting at number 2.
Elena was nominated for 5 awards for the 2007 Mad Video Music Awards. [8] They include "Best Pop Video" (Gigolo), "Best Female Video" (Gigolo), "Video of the Year" (Gigolo), "Artist of the Year", and "Best outfit in a Video" (An Eihes Erthi Pio Noris). She won two awards for the "Best Female Video" and for the "Best outfit in a Video".[9] Elena started the show with the song "Let the Sunshine In" and later sung her song Min Fevgeis.
She is also nominated for 4 awards for "Cyprus Music Awards".[10] They include "Best Female Singer","Album of the year", "Greek Album Sales" and "International Album Sales"
Elena has released a new song “3 is a magic number” in Sweden as part as a Swedish television advertisement for a mobile phone company. The song was originally a hit from Blind Melon back in 1996. The song immediately entered the charts in Sweden and stayed there for 5 weeks peaking at number 18.
In Fall 2007, Elena released a new song called "To Fili Tis Zois" in Greece as the soundtrack to the movie of the same name. The song stayed at number one position on iTunes Greece for many weeks. It also reached number 1 on the official Nielsen Greece Top 20 Chart" for Radio Airplay. The song was a big hit on Greek radios, and became one of the most listened songs of 2007. Elena has also recorded a duet with popular TV presenter Nikos Aliagas for his album "Nikos Aliagas & Friends : Rendez-Vous" released in Greece which was certified gold. The song is called "I Zillia Monaksia" a cover of the Pascal Obispo's hit " L' envie D' Aimer".
For the promotion for Nokia Greece, Elena has released a new song called "Ola Ine Mousiki" part of their new advertising campaign for 2008. In January 2008, along with Sony BMG Greece, she teamed up with retailer Plaisio and released a special edition MP4 player called "MP4 Total Helena" (2GB) by Turbo-X. The MP4 player comes with a special "Best of" complication with 12 songs and 5 video clips only available with the purchase of the MP4 player.[11]
[edit] 2008: Vrisko To Logo Na Zo
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In early 2008, Paparizou started work on her new Greek album Vrisko To Logo Na Zo, which was released on June 12, 2008.[12][13] After its release, she started a summer tour in the large cities of Greece to promote it.[14] The first single from her new album, "Porta Gia Ton Ourano", was released on April 8, 2008 to radio stations all over the Greece.[15] The second single is "I Kardia Sou Petra", which was released as a radio single on June 2, 2008.[16]
Paparizou was nominated for six awards for the 2008 Mad Video Music Awards. The song "To Fili Tis Zois" was nominated in four categories: "Best Pop Video" , "Most Played Artist" , "Artist of the Year", and "Best Video by a Female Artist". The song "Mazi sou" and the song "Zilia Monaksia" Feat. Nikos Aliagas" are nominated in the categories "Most Played Artist" and "Best Duet" respectively.[17] Finally she won two awards the "Best Pop Video" and "Artist of the Year".[18] The album was certified Gold only one week after its release.[19]
On 7 July 2008 the album debuted at No.1 on the Greek Album Chart. In July she embarked on a tour around Greece for promotion of her new album. In July Elena cooperated once again with retailer Plaisio and released a special edition MP4 player called "TH4" MP4 (2,4, 4GB) by Turbo-X. The MP4 player comes with Elena's new album, 2 bonus video clips and 1 backstage video only available with the purchase of the MP4 player.[20]
In an interview with Santorini FM, Paparizou announced that her Summer Tour would be shown on Alpha TV in December 2008.
Paparizou was featured on the soundtrack for Arn- Riket vid vägens slut where she sings two songs in Swedish: "Alla Jag Vill" and "Genom Krig Och Kärlek". The soundtrack was released on August 27, 2008.[21]
After almost two months, it was announced on 1 September 2008 that the album was certified Platinum with the certification party being held on 16 September 2008.[22]
[edit] Current projects
- Elena is doing a tour around Greece starting in July 2008 for promotion of the new album with Manos Pirovolakis.
- Elena will be releasing a new English language album in Spring 2009.
[edit] Personal life
Elena has been involved in a long term relationship with fellow Swedish-born Greek Toni Mavridis.[23] They met at a Greek restaurant in Sweden at age 19, when a friend of her sisters introduced them.[2] Toni is a song writer, and has written songs on all of Elena's solo albums.
Elena and Toni recently bought a house together in the Athens suburb of Glyfada.[24][2] Greek media has suggested that Elena is pregnant and that the two are ready to get married many times, but it has all turned out false. Elena also frequently calls Toni her husband, and his parent her in-laws, stirring up rumors, though the two aren't married yet and have not settled on a date. She has also already picked out a 'koumbara' (an important part of the Orthodox wedding, almost like a maid of honor), which is her good friend Roxani. [2]
On many occasions, Elena has commented on starting a family with Toni. When asked about family in Greek magazine "Celebrity", Elena was quoted as saying "I believe that family is the most natural thing, the thing I want in my life. And what is my preference? To not have kids so I can continue my career? One day it will end. I can not be on stage everyday, like I am now at 25." [25] In May 2008 in Greek Magazine "Nitro", Elena was asked if Toni was her first relationship, to which Paparizou was quoted as saying "No, but I think it is my last. He is the person I want to have kids with. I think he is the best father they could have. If I don't have kids with him, then I will adopt." [2]
[edit] Trivia
[edit] Languages
Elena speaks fluent Greek, Swedish, and English, and has also studied French and Spanish. She has mentioned that her dream would be to make a song with lyrics comprised of words in every language in the world. A great example is her hit single Heroes which contains words in three different languages. In an interview on Orange fm 93.2 Elena said that she has started studying Persian and Finnish.
[edit] 'Elena' versus 'Helena'
The correct spelling of her first name is a subject of confusion. In Greek, there used to be an accent called a spiritus asper accent to indicate the 'h' sound (just as the 'h' in 'Helena'). This was abolished centuries years ago, and the Greek name 'Έλενα' was already pronounced 'Elena' at the time of Elena Paparizou's birth. The spelling with the spiritus asper however was maintained in a system known as polytonic orthography which, having no vocal significance, finally ceased to be used 30 years ago.
Elena Paparizou on the other hand, was born in Sweden where the name's version 'Helena' exists, and one could presume with little uncertainty that many Swedes transliterated her name as 'Helena'. That is to say, Paparizou's name is Elena, but has been misspelled 'Helena'. Even though many Swedes misspell it, her official name has been registered by Swedish authorities as 'Elena', which has also been used by her and previously by media in Sweden.
Her name has always been spelt 'Elena' during her career in Greece, but in Sweden, and in all countries except Greece as her second appearance in Eurovision (in 2005) approached, the spelling 'Helena' grew more common, and the songstress herself admitted in a Swedish interview that she chose to spell her name with an 'H' for Eurovision and on her 2005 album for people in other countries not to confuse her name with other common names such as 'Jelena' or 'Chelena'.[26] Her official website is, and the 'h' appears on all official releases outside of Greece. The singer, however, has made it known that her name is correctly written as 'Elena' (the name with which, according to another article, she was baptized), and this is how she prefers to be known. The 'H' is only used on international releases.